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Sunday, 18 March 2012

More doings

I can't believe how time is flying past at the moment. Since my last stud blog we have at last received word that we are now DEFRA-approved AI technicians, qualifying us to inseminate our own and other mares. Setting aside the impressive range of facial expressions that this news brings to bear in non-horsey chums, it is rattlingly good tidings and we are very excited! We are just waiting for the ground to firm up a bit so that we can install a dummy and stocks, then of course there are the relevant accoutrements to acquire and we are ready to go.

Also, the worm has finally turned and at long last I have begun to assemble my beans in some sembalnce of order to start getting out and about with Q. Last weekend we trucked over to a friend of my trainer's, who had invited us to hack out with her. Following carefully given instructions, off we toddled - me marking off landmarks of note, Q doubtless wondering what was occurring. When we arrived and parked up, I went in to tack him up while Kate was riding in her school. At this point there was no small amount of crashing, banging and yelling  in the trailer and I did wonder what sort of fire-breathing creature she might reasonably expect to emerge at any moment. What she didn't realise was that this was just me - lol. Only kidding.

We had a lovely hack around her property, which is absolutely stunning and makes our place look like a postage stamp - and not even one of those for large letters. Q was on excellent form and it was clear from the expression on the back of his head (in which things I place great store) that he was having a whale of a time, bless him. We had to come back along the fence line where a number of horses were charging around enjoying the sun, so naturally enough they came barrelling up to check out the interloper. If you've never sat on a stallion while he is prancing and issuing forth deep throated rumbles that resonate throughout your entire frame, well it's quite a thing. But he is a very good lad and accustomed to being ridden next to fields full of horses doing star jumps and other activities of an athletic bent, so I didn't even have to deploy my emergency shoulder in. He was a star and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Better still, we now have a hacking bud!

Today we went out for a lesson at another arena about 20 minutes' drive away. We had to park up quite a few hundred yards from the arena and negotiate a range of interesting sights and sounds as we made our way through the yard. I was quite glad I'd opted to lead him down as he passaged and yelled his way along the lane, yet still maintaining an eye for mum. When we got to the arena I couldn't help but notice a small Welshie galloping up and down along the fence line, squealing in the most high pitched, ridiculous whinny I've ever heard (something like what I imagine might happen if you accidentally sat on a hamster), which really lit him up and made me reconsider whether there might be a place for religion in my life after all.

I did let him have a quick look around but got on as quickly as possible since the idea is to get him used to going out and dealing with many sights and sounds, and me to dealing with him dealing with many sights and sounds by getting straight on and not faffing about. There was certainly no lack of forward but he settled quickly and we had a good lesson, notwithstanding the squealing pony. Very pleased with him and we hacked back to the trailer to finish off.

Otherwise, I've decided to stop eating meat again after a number of years having fallen off the wagon. Surprisingly enough it began with a switch to soya milk at Sid's instigation: the surprise being that Sid loves his meat. I've always refused to eat veal which, given its position as a by-product of the milk industry, does pose a bit of a quandary for the milk drinker as he has pointed out. So the household has sitched to soya milk and it got me thinking again about the welfare issues that caused me to spend a number of years as a vegetarian, and, well, here I am, feeling very happy about it.