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Saturday 11 June 2011

First appointment with the farrier, and other matters

In preparation for next winter (ugh!) work has started on developing an all weather area behind the boys' stables, which will allow them some outdoor space to mooch even in the worst weather. I really dislike keeping horses confined to a stable, almost as much as the boys themselves dislike it now that they are accustomed to being able to come and go as they please.

Stage 1: bring in large digger to scrape out the back of excess earth accumulation and flatten it down. We decided that while we were about it we might as well add some drainage to their winter paddocks since these fare the worst during the bad weather. I was a bit loath to have the ground disturbed but Richard, digger driver extraordinaire and Brad Pitt doppleganger, did an excellent job.

Stage 2: we are as I write awaiting the delivery of two lorries full of hardcore, which will serve as the base for the all weather areas. Again, Sod's Law dictates that in preparation for this work we had a lot of rain last night, but hopefully the paddocks will stand up well to it as it's all still looking pretty firm.

Stage 3 will comprise the installation of a rubber surface, at some as yet undetermined future date in the next week or so. Brad will be back on Monday to flatten it.

We had a farrier appointment yesterday afternoon; the first for Gualter. God, he's SUCH a poppet. He did wriggle a bit but was very good and is sporting a nice trim all round as a result, as are the girls who had undergone quite a bit of hoof growth in the intervening period since the last visit. Alfama is fine about having her feet handled while Xacra remains a little leery of her back feet, but all were done with a minimum fuss.

Meanwhile, success for T at stud, having grown accustomed to the dummy and provided his first sample on day 3 of training. He is charming everyone with his winning ways and his unparalleled ability to get his headcollar off at any opportunity.

Next we'll build a winter pen for the younglings between the two boys' all weather areas, and convert the stable designated grooming room into a proper grooming bay with cross ties. After that we'll make an all weather area for the girls to include the picadeiro, which will hopefully allow us to preserve the fields through the winter.

I've also got to get on to the vets about having the mares scanned in preparation for being put in foal again.

Never a dull moment! Or a cheap one, come to that.

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