Things are in flux atm with a number of changes on the horizon, just as spring is tickling our cheeks with its first delicate tendrils of the promise of a little warmth after a long, long winter. Everyone I speak to seems to feel that the winter has been particularly arduous; perhaps not surprising after all that sodding snow and unpleasantness.
Things of note:
* The people we're currently sharing the yard with are preparing for taking their leave next weekend. It's a vast swath of emotions for all concerned really but I think we have all reached a place where we just want a collaborative way forward, which is good.
* Electrical work on the yard under way, expecting to finish next weekend.
* After the folks leave, work can start on the yard for the arena preparations; first of all, remaining hard standing and a proper muck heap. Removal of earth mound and burial of armoured cable for new yard electrics, filling in of pond and onset of raised beds for veggie growing. Then, installation of drainage and possibly fencing for the arena. We can't get it all done in one go unfortunately but things are cracking on at a good pace and we are really pleased with what we can do rather than being frustrated by what we can't, which would be crap and wrong.
* The girls have been in season and Alfama has hopefully been covered by Soberano in preparation for coming home in the spring. Xacra will be put to one of the boys, though probably by AI in view of the fact that she is nervous and a maiden, and the boys haven't covering experience. At least then we can get semen samples for them laid in and frozen.
* We are investigating options to rent some land nearby which will be a godsend for all sorts of reasons. We hope to do a deal with local farmer chum so we can co-rent and use for hay and grazing year-round, which will mean all sorts of benefits. Fingers firmly crossed on that one.
* New creatures; cats are appearing on the yard at a rate of knots. There's Ted, gorgeous ginger tom (orange orbs included and must go) who is sweet and affectionate and probably once had a home, a little black tom whose name is yet to appear who is at least semi-feral and is slowly getting used to me (chicken appears to be instrumental in this process) , and a black and white tom who comes in now and then for some grub. Sid is warming to Ted aso at a rate of knots, which is very sweet. He's a lovely young boy, full of charms. There are also rumours of a tabby and a black kitten, but I've yet to see either.
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