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Thursday, 15 April 2010

Lunchtime quickie

Did I mention that I've got morning stables down to a fine art - 15 mins? ALl I now have to do is wrestle the equivalent evening work into something less than the entire evenning spent fiddling and faffing around in a most inefficient manner.

Yesterday: very bloody angry indeed. Why? The guy delivering the consignment of bedding left the yard gates WIDE OPEN when he left. Arrggggghhhhhh. Then, when I got home I discovered that the bales were a little more than two thirds of the size of the previous batch. Arrrggggghhhhhhhh. I was, as we say in these parts, utterly without chuff. The guy is coming for a summit meeting on Monday to discuss, so hopefully we can find a way forward.

Worked T yesterday who was in good form. Still not wishing to come in at night; had to go and fetch him again about 9.30pm while my madras was cooling off on the coffee table. Boys. However he was calmer so that was good. It's not like he struts up and down the fence line or anything, he just stands next to the youngsters. Q meanwhile has No Interest Whatsoever in them.

Gave the boys another face to face opportunity last night. Was very funny. Not imagining it that Q sticking his tongue really winds T up for some reason. Sweetest moment: Q picking bits of wood chip out of T's mane.

And finally: a couple of important points about the daily commute. While in the main this can be described as no better than a necessary evil, just occasionally there comes along an event or a sighting or some other noteworthy thing that makes the whole thing worthwhile. For instance, I noticed this morning that Mr Ave Maria, the bloke that stands every morning on the station in the same position clutching his bible, has started taking the early train. The guy is amazing really; he stands there draped in a veritable cloak of righteousness. Or as Sid and I like to describe it on his behalf: "I'm a right pious c*nt, me".

Also this morning I saw Lurch on the train. Which was nice.

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