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Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Busy is not the word

It's been so busy I've had neither time nor energy for any blogging. Really, ridiculously busy. Busy as buggery. Busy as a really busy thing. Bloody busy, really.

Friday: working from home for the dentist in the afternoon; Q just needed a tidy up but it looks as though T might benefit more from being seen just once per year but to have a power session as he tends towards the formation of transverse ridges, so I think we will try that. Plan for the mares to be looked at next time as well, as the vet will be there for sedation so we can see how it goes and then see whether sedation would be needed - or alternatively waited until the babies are born. I need to find out whether it is safe to sedate a pregnant mare.

I had a lesson with Rui which was interesting in that it followed on from some stuff down at Dan's clinic, focusing on forward and straight with transitions on a straight line. Sounds easy doesn't it. What I learnt was that we haven't done nearly enough work on transitions on a straight line and as a result these were quite crap. So the focus was on developing exercises to address this and Rui left me with some homework for Saturday. He also schooled T but I wasn't able to watch.So much weeding, so little time. And if it's not weeding it's poo picking or one of a thousand different chores to do.

Saturday: usual domestic chores followed by a great deal of weeding. Like a fool I have decided to manually remove a lot of weeds from the paddocks rather than spraying and having to keep horses off/risk delaying re-seeding and I've been hard at it for what seems like WEEKS but is probably only about three days. Loads of crap growing but it's very satisfying seeing the paddocks slowly recovering and starting to grow good grass where previously they couldn't get a look in. Problem is though I've become a bit obsessive about it and get to the point where when I close my eyes all I can see is weeds - lol.

Rode Q and worked on our homework, which went much better and was a productive session. We did struggle on the right rein riding the three quarter line as he wants to edge back to the track and I am not strong on my left side, so had a few gos at that until I got my outside aids working and finished there once we could get it reliably.

Then Sid decided he simply must have some weatherboard to fix the stables in time for next weekend when his friend is down and that it had to be done today. Bottom line wasI had to hot foot it over to ye olde timber shoppe to get said weather board. Land Cruiser wouldn't start; arghh. Jump started, stepped on it and got to Staplehurst in record time just in time to purchase said weatherboard and drive back very gingerly with it sticking out of the sun roof and wondering if that was legal.

More weeding and poo picking; gave T the day off as I just ran out of time. Made two not one tagines and crashed on the sofa. May have begun dribbling.

Sunday: got up to find both girls flat out in the field :wub:. Good job they're so FAT or I wouldn't have seen them in the long grass.

Weeding, lots and lots of weeding. And poo picking. And walking the dog. Rui got back from Cambs about 2 and we had a lady due for a 3pm lesson. She has a nice Luso mare who is quite green and needed a few lines drawn in the sand, so it was interesting to watch Rui work her in hand and then under saddle. Brought Q in to prep for my 4pm; they called to each other and the mare proceeded to throw everything she had at Rui, who resolutely sat there and worked her through it after the fashion of the professional rider.

Opted to warm up Q in the picadeiro - first time for him in there since the girls arrived and he was very good indeed. Next thing I saw Binky and Jimbob (the meehoo) wandering way too close to the road and was in a quandary wondering what to do - in the end tied Q to the fence, grabbed Jim and took him indoors (and Binky followed) while Q stood like the perfect gentleman waiting for me to finish the rescue mission. Ahhh.

My lesson next and Q was extremely good even while watched by not two but three mares. We worked on exercises requiring me to use my leg more effectively and reprised our work on transitions on a straight line - much much better and brownie points for having done my homework. Q was ace - so very very proud of him. Especially as it turns out he really likes bay mares :)
Rui went off to teach a couple of doors down while I started poo picking T's field while T followed me around at close quarters, inspecting every move I made. I love that. He's such an unreserved flirt with those big brown eyes and that soft velvety muzzle. Got him prepped for Rui as time was running short, and warmed him up as Rui arrived back home. Q was charging about in his field like a man possessed but T took very little notice other than to come out with a slightly better trot .Rui got on and demonstrated a couple of things and was just working up to changes when Q came barrelling up to the fence, ears back, teeth bared to try and have a pop at T. Rui brought T to a halt, they just stood there and cantered off again, which was ace. I wish I was Portuguese. Perhaps as a result of this T started making face at the mares again while Rui was riding but he just carried on and said "Ay!" when needed and that was that - no drama and no interruption to the session. Very much enjoyed watching that.

Rui has now departed and the boys have had a day off. I of course have had no such luxury. The mares have to come in tomorrow (!) as Pheel is coming to harrow, top and reseed the fields - yay! Meanwhile work is stupid busy and it's a constant irritation how when the pressure is really on with projects coming out of every orifice sometimes the only thing a person is at all capable of doing is sitting and staring stupidly into space, so awash with tasks that one is rendered temporarily incapable of anything at all. I think the only thing to do in such a situation is to begin with a small, relatively easy thing then freewheel madly on the momentum that was created, trusting to luck, good judgement and a certain quality of malleability in the laws of space and time to get it all done. That and a wodge of coffee.

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