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Monday, 18 October 2010

I blink and a month goes by

So the big project is finished and in on time as specified; the feedback not so much well done as "why did you do it yourself; why didn't you get someone else to do it". Perhaps because it's the only fucking way I could get it in on time as specified! This may well have been the straw that broke the camel's back. How I haven't murdered a fellow commuter of late I have no idea. How my family haven't divorced me, I have no idea. It's really unhealthy and when you start to feel the stress manifesting itself in phyiscal symptoms, something has to give, as I did almost immediately after I knew the project was in a fit state to go live.

But enough about work. Things at the homestead are well and that is the most important thing. We've had Rui with us for the past few days and enjoyed some excellent sessions with the boys. I suffer from lack of motivation when doing everything alone especially when knackered after a long day at work, so it's nice to have someone to work with, apart from anything else. A few lightbulb moments consolidated and given me work to take forward. Need to clip them as they are well into their winter woollies.

The girls are very well although I am a bit worried about a large crack in Xacra's hoof. O ferradore coming on Friday so we'll see what can be done. Meanwhile I've been applying linseed oil to her feet - gently I might add as she is unaccustomed and unsure about humanoids kneeling by her feet, but getting a little better each day. For her right hind it's worse, I suspect because she's more leery about her right side generally, so I've lashed the brush to a long whip and am using that during the interim. Not done nearly as much as I should about picking up their feet. Bad mommy. Knickers has been helpign me and is showing great promise as a calm and compassionate being around the horses. Go Knickers!

The big news is we now have six chickens and are awash with eggs. They are fab :)

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