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Saturday, 22 January 2011

A day of two halves

Well what a great day. Firstly I feel much more energetic as a result of the new routine, which is splendid.

Knickers and I had what might be described as a "girly" morning which neither of us are particularly accustomed to, tootling off to the hairdressers in the morning for the ceremonial chopping of locks, followed by a trip to Tenterden for shopping and lunch. Marvellous.

This afternoon was horsey time and I was determined to make the most of it. Q was quite lively and in view of the fact that he wasn't ridden since last Sunday I gave him a quick lunge first before riding. We began with lateral work; shoulder in, travers and half pass on both reins; up to trot, active and focusing on straightness, then repeating the laterals in trot. He was feeling really nice. I had a mind to begin preps for changes again as we haven't done this for a while, so put in lots of walk-canter transitions and he was offering a very nice collected gait, which was just divine to sit. Canter-walk began with several trot strides between but we whittled it down to  something more approaching a direct transition. On the left rein walk-right canter was a bit more tricky as always but we got it and I capitalised on the fact that he's not so keen on this to get the change. Very pleased with that. We got three changes altogether, only one of which I asked for :) Anyway he was ace, it was a really really good ride.

Next, Mr T, who also hasn't been worked since last week. Ordinarily I'd work him in hand on a Saturday but feeling puckish, I was determined to ride. We had a nice warm up and all seemed calm and lovely. The mares were loitering by the gate and Q, like a big Luso book end, loitering at the other end of the school. T was frowning at the girls and tried to bite me as we went down to their end to remove the cavesson and get my hat, so he got a wallop for that and we carried on regardless. On board, we did shoulder in and milling on a large circle, before going up to trot. We're developin his abiltiy to stretch to the contact and he's getting better, so I was very pleased that he maintained the contact to a greater extent through some transitions. Repeated on the right rein and again very soft and nice, with only occasional forays above the contact. Had to finish there as it was practically dark.

Cookathon tonight: monkfish tagine, French onion soup and cauliflower gratin, constituting my cooking for the week all in one go.

Tomorrow: horsey doings in the morning, including a lesson with Mandy, and a visit to a local establishment to see a clinic in the afternoon, that I'd like to take one of the boys to next time.

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