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Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Random observations

There is a time and a place to be in close proximity to a lively and mischief-prone puppy, but not while undertaking sysadmin duties.

There is a significant amusement quotient to be had in the following activities:
- witnessing the testing of a streaming feed from one room to another and watching a colleague mumbling to themselves in the other room while the mic is on
- undertaking an emergency cab run to the feed merchant, emerging with a large sack of goat mix and paying particular attention to the expression on the cab driver's face (with thanks to Knickers for this entry)
- watching a large and quite remarkably stupid dog repeatedly trying to curl up in a bed that is much too small 

There are pros and cons to living in a mad house; mostly pros.

Beans: there's a lot to be said for them.

You might think that stone tiles are a suitable flooring arrangement when there's a young puppy about the place. The downside is that any bladder-related issuings cause little rivulets of urine to develop around the kitchen, which are a bugger to mop up.

Why is it that stallions have to have a breathing contest every single day?

The average French person is capable of consuming more cheese and saucisson in a day than most normal people would in a month.

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