So as usual it's been a busy couple of weeks. The Concluder Producer in me (and come to that, the OCD tendencies) needs to get to grips with the fact that there's always so much to DO around here. Sid and I both wrestle with that one so as a coping strategy, every time one of us says something along the lines of "Christ, there's so much to DO around here" the other will finish off with "isn't it great?" Only time will tell if it will ultimately be successful.
Most normal people will go to the pub or catch a movie or something on a Friday. For us it was more along the lines of lighting a giant bonfire (and watering the fence to ensure it didn't also catch fire), usual evening stable doings and a shitload of gardening which conrinued through dusk and on into really quite late. The wisteria should be magnificent at this time of year but som years of neglect has meant it's got really out of control and needed some hard pruning. Poor thing. Hopefully next year it will be able to put on a show commensurate with its status as one of the most beautiful plants ever. Actually we think the garden has at some point in the past been planned out by someone with vision and an eye for design and only last night discovered a path we had no idea was there :O
It's been a tumultuous couple of weeks what with Binky having her babies (all eyes now open and cute overload reaching ever higher levels) and the discovery that our neighbours are selling their land. We knew they would eventually but hadn't anticipated it would be quite so soon. The long and short of this is a lot of scrambling on our part to see if we can secure another five acres. As for the rest of it well there's nothing we can do and it's in the lap of the gods as to whether we end up living next to a large contingent of pikeys. The only thing to do in such a situation is trust to the universe and not worry about it, so that is what we're doing.
Sitting here writing this is a small oasis of laziness before the storm of activity that is to come. We've got friends coming over later which necessitates a complete clean of the house, shopping and the purchase of a barbecue. Next weekend we're hosting five horses for next door's clinic and someone is renting a room. This morning I got up to find that this time it was T who had the fence down, and spent a pleasant hour rebuilding it even before my first coffee. The saving grace about these sorts of situations is that there is nobody around expecting me to talk to them, so I can come to some sort of human level of consciousness in my own time.
Someetimes I wonder why I put myself through these extra things when it adds so much to an already burgeoning to do list, but there it is; I always enjoy it and it helps out the neighbours.
Right. Better get to it.
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