Yesterday I felt the need to get out of the office for lunch, so went to one of the local cafes with the intention of eating myself senseless. It's hard fpr me to avoid maxing out on carbs in such a situation, but I have realised only latterly that a big plate of salad with half a portion of chips satisfies my need to eat for at least 30 minutes and get some carbs without going the whole hog and the inevitable pressing need for a kip shortly afterwards. Bonus.
Less good was finding myself behind a couple of young blokes in the queue. "Can I get a full english? Can I get a cup of tea?" What is that? An Americanism I presume, or is it all dwn to Jay-Z?
Well I don't know, of course, but what I do know is that it makes me want to flail my own skin off and fling myself in a vat of rock salt by way of distraction from the giant holes of wrongness bored into my brain every time I hear it. Even with the benefit of a reasonably wide vocabulary, I find it difficult to describe with sufficient accuracy just what that does to my innards. Argghhhhh. It feels like such an apt expression for this culture of entitlement in which we live. Boil my fucking brains!
But that wasn't all, far from it. As I ended up, by dint of not paying sufficient attention, sitting on the next table to said blokes, I was then subjected to a continual stream of AQI - that tendency of ending every sentence as though it were a question. Oh God.
And just to seal the fate of a million synapses, walking back to the office I was assailed by a girl having an animated conversation into her mobile, in which EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE went as follows: "I was like, yeah anyway, and she was like yeah whatever and I was like well I don't care....". I'm just glad that my life thus far has been adept at teaching me the art of forbearance, otherwise, like, dawg knows what might have happened.
Meanwhile back at the ranch I've been doing a spot of stallion training today, making use of the neighbour's large collection of horses to brush up on the boys' social skills. Or put another way, reminding them that willy waving, ignoring mum or talking to them is not what good boys do while in a tack-wearing situation. Very pleased with both of them and also nice to have a big space in which to work - T came out with some very nice extensions.
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