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Saturday, 12 June 2010

Boys doings

It's been impossible to avoid noticing that the boys are getting a bit big for their boots of late, so much are they enjoying their lives as the wild men of the Kent Weald, with their long matted locks and mud-encrusted coats. T has taken a load of fur off his leg and it hasn't been easy ministering to half a ton of excited stallion. Normal methods haven't really worked to settle him so the only other option is a Big Stick with which to wallop him when he dangerously ignores my presence. Have to keep any emotion out of it, just whack him when he starts and better even if he doesn't see it's me. Upshot was finally he stood to let me do his feet and Hibiscrub his wound-ette. So much testosterone, so little time.

Similarly this morning Q was yelling and weaving and generally being a complete arse, and there's No Need for it, so he got the same treatment and within minutes was standing like the good boy I know him to be under all that bluster and unnecessary bollocks.

Rui has left me with the homework to engage that right hind into the party to develop the collection that we have in the left canter and which enables him to work Q in left canter at the long reins but not so much on the right. We've been working on this as and when I find the energy to drag my sagging, bone-weary carcass up the yard and the result today was some much more encouraging work without him coming up against the hand in his efforts to avoid engagement. Milling helps this enormously and he was a very good lad after all tht silliness, and stood much better to be untacked afterwards.

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