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Saturday, 12 June 2010


After being such a loon yesterday, T was excellent today; very calm and enjoyed a good groom. Such a good lad he is. We did an in hand session and they've been out all afternoon in their summer paddocks. Will repeat tomorrow and then they can go out overnight in there from next week, which will suit me better as atm I tend to not work them as much as I should so they can have a good three hours out there of an evening. It's difficult to schedule an extra hour at a time out there when I'm fitting it all in around work; they've had six hours today and overnight will be about 8, from Monday night.

The baby kitten is looking much more lively and starting to play. It's a game little bugger considering it's about a third of the size of the others and does get barrelled about a lot but doesn't seem to come to any harm.

For my part I have had a much needed very lazy afternoon; a hot bath, a kip and a spot of light gardening; bliss. Sid has made a barbie, there's a bottle of Amarone on the go and I have a box of cupcakes in front of me. OK the footie is on but you can't have everything.

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