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Saturday, 26 June 2010

Three amazing things

All in one day today:

(1) Found Q flat out in the field this morning. First time I've seen this since we've been here. Of course there's that momentary "Christ! Something's happened! Wahhh" feeling, to be quickly replaced by "Ahhhh look, how sweet :mush:".

(2) The arena was finished this afternoon. Woohoo! :tapsfingerswaitingforsurfacetosettlesoIcangoride:
 All that remains is to pay the giant bill, but I don't want that to get in the way of the momentousness of the occasion. If I water it relentlessly between now and next week it might be ready next weekend.

(3) I rode T in a state of high excitement and survived. Yes, no sooner had I landed in the saddle and thought "hmmm, you feel a bit lively" than all hell broke loose next door with the arrival of a new horse, lots of shouting, horses galloping everywhere, stallion screaming etc etc etc, all of which T found inordinately exciting. My thought process went something along the lines of "oh fuckety doodads" but in fact we managed and it was fine. There was a lot of excitement, yelling, tension, passage and pinging, but we got through it by a combination of sitting there quietly when I needed to and then pushing him forward as soon as I could, then keeping him busy. I could by no means say that he was relaxed at the end but I rode for about 20 mins I suppose and achieved what I wanted to, which to say getting off with my legs both still pointing in the same direction. Woot!

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