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Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Howay the girls :)

So D-Day has arrived; dawn has broken and the farrier cometh. Last time he came the boys were :ahem: lively but all was calmness itself today and I got my first trimming lesson. Robin has very kindly left me a rasp and a hoof knife and next time he has a spare set of pincers he'll leave me those too. This is good because I had no idea just how expensive some of these things can be. No intention of doing much myself but if needed it's there.

On to the girls. I had no idea what to expect really other than it might only be introductions today, as they are very wary of men. But in fact, Robin got them both trimmed, all round! Amazing. They were nervous, yes, but Robin was fantastic, very quiet, talking to them all the time but obviously confident - indeed a lot more confident than I would have been - and they trusted to the situation enough to stand there and allow it to happen. I really didn't imagine Robin would be able to get to the hind feet today but in hindsight I hadn't reckoned to that fabulous, indomitable Luso temperament. Also, I had thought it was not going to be possible before I was reliably picking their feet up myself, but again with hindsight it made more sense for Robin to do this as he really knows what he's doing and has the confidence of longstanding experience that horses really respond to. He hasn't done a full trim amd tidy, just taken the excess off, which is enough for now.

So very proud of the girls, and what a relief to have all that extra foot off! :hail: Robin, and his excellent ways, without which none of it would have been possible.

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