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Sunday, 1 August 2010


So the mares have been with us for a few days now and are settling in well. It's going to be a challenge for me getting them ready for the farrier; I'm not sure it's doable in the time frame but will give it my best shot. These things can't be rushed. Today I was able to give them their first grooming session including a foreleg - one down,  7 to go :O They're enjoying a bit of hay so I can bring them in to the field shelter and do things with them in there. Really don't want to rush this, enjoying the small yet huge breakthroughs and the little signs that they are starting to relax a bit more around us.

Throughout the week I've been working the boys in the arena next to their field. Q has been his glorious self, nickering and interested but otherwise ready to concentrate on work as usual, so I rode him on Friday and again this morning - noting with interest that the presence of two mares in the corner is a really good aid for half pass across the full diagonal.

T has been a bit more interested and intent on doing that ears back snaky neck herding thing, while I have been equally intent on getting him to stop. We did two in hand sessions during the week with a reasonable level of understanding, so today we did a warm up session on the lunge and then I rode him. Of course, when I got on the mares were away down the field, yet almost the moment my butt hit the saddle they were mooching over to see what was going on, and ended up right in the corner as they invariably do :) The focus was on keeping T calm and rewarding that, edging closer (bend is your friend Rachibum) while retaining a nice long relaxed frame. Found the exact distance where he started the herding thing and worked through that, so very pleased that he kept good levels of focus and relaxation. Finished with a bit of work in hand right next to them without the behaviour so was very pleased with him.

Less good is the fact that the last pair of meehoos went today. It's not easy but I had no choice :(

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