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Thursday, 12 August 2010

Quick update

Well it's been a marvellous week for a number of reasons, but mainly because Sid has been out each evening on the yard pursuing our new mantra of movement being the key. This has resulted in an embarrassment of poo picking assistance, which is also good for a number of reasons including (a) non-demanding time with the girls, who are really Very Wary Indeed of blokes, and (b) less poo picking for me. It's so much nicer to be out there together doing the horses and keeping tabs on why it is we are doing this.

Since T's last wild man episode I have changed tactics a bit. I had noted that his response was escalating in line with movement (ie much more rancid face in canter even than in trot, and it was quite rancid enough for most purposes in trot) so I thought I know, I'll take movement out of the equation and see how we do with that. We did a nice stretchy warmup a couple of evenings ago at the other end of the arena while the girls of course were mooching close to the fence. Once he was relaxd and attentive to my satisfaction I walked him in hand gradually closer to them, assking only for him to keep his attention on me and not to do any unpleasantness of the face, and he managed that very well in much closer proximity , so well pleased with that.

Tonight Sid was working late and T came in with a gleam in his eye (more of a glitter) that I really didn't trust, so I went and put the girls in the shelter so we could have a trouble-free session as I wasn't really up for dealing with half a ton of very antsy stallion this evening. Back to his usual lovely self, very calm and attentive and a good session, finishing with some piaffe in hand.

Meanwhile the girls are doing well and we are making slow but steady progress. I've taken to leading Xacra around and doing feely leggy in the middle of the field, and she finds that better. Alfama is revealing herself to be one very sweet mare and once she gains confidence she's going to be awesome. God knows how long it will take to achieve our aim but we are moving in the right direction.

The meehoos have been going out in the evening for their constitutional while we can keep an eye on them, and it's the sweetest thing in the world seeing the family group (that's Binky, Ted and the meehoos) all out and playing together, whether it's racing around the garden or leaping around in the long grass playing lions. Ted has rediscovered his inner meehoo since he's had his nads off and is great with the little ones - who are growing like weeds. Got them trained now to come galloping in at night by the simple expedient of not feeding them before they go out. Genius eh?

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